夢幻ご利用の流れ|How to use the shop

①お電話、ご来店にてご予約 [Booking by phone or in person.]


Please make an appointment by phone or in person. Please feel free to contact us for a tour or if you have any questions.

②ご来店 [Visiting a shop]


Please come to the shop on the date and time you have booked. For the location of the shop, please see the Access page. Please see and choose the kimono of your choice.

③着物選び [Choosing a kimono]


A large number of kimonos are available. We have a wide range of high-quality kimonos, including cute, cool, modern and antique kimonos. We also have a wide range of obis and accessories, so you can enjoy a variety of co-ordinating styles.

④着付け [Fitting]


A professional dresser will dress you so that you don’t have to worry about losing your clothes.

⑤オプション [Option]

●ヘアセット [Hair set]

Dedicated hairdressers on standby. Authentic beauty salon, which also uses curlers. A wide range of hair ornaments is also available.

●無料撮影サービス [Free photography service]

When you have finished dressing, please ask a member of staff in the vicinity. Our staff will take photos with your camera or smartphone.

⑥着物で散策 [Walking around in a kimono]


You can walk to the nearby Kiyomizu-dera Temple, Gion, Kodai-ji Temple, Yasaka Shrine and Fushimi Inari. A short stroll to Arashiyama is also possible.

⑦着物返却 [Return of Kimono]


You will return to the shop by 7pm to change and return.